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Preschool Inspirational Picture Books

Looking for Inspirational Children's Picture Books?

E ALEXANDER - All Things Bright and Beautiful by Cecil Alexander
Through lush paintings, we join a little girl's country ramble and share her appreciation of the beauty around her: a flower, the wind, a mountain view, all gives her reasons to pause and praise, and inspire us to do the same.

E BERENSTAIN - The Berenstain Bears Keep the Faith by Mike Berenstain
Brother and Sister Bear's friend Ferdy Factual loves science. Brother and Sister like science too. But when Ferdy tells Brother and Sister he doesn't believe God created the world, the bear cubs don't know what to think. What does it really mean to have "faith" in something you can't see?
More great Berenstain Bears titles include "God Loves You" and "The Big Question"

E BERGREN - God gave us Angels by Lisa Bergren
When Papa finds Little Cub looking for angels, it gives him a chance to tell his beloved child about those that may be in their midst, even when they can't be seen. Exploring their exhilarating Arctic world as they talk, Papa lovingly answers all of Little Cub's questions about angels--and as usual, she has a lot.

E EVANS - What is God Like? by Rachel Evans
Children see that God is like a shepherd, God is like a star, God is like a gardener, God is like the wind, and more. God is a comforter and support.

E GOLD - Thank you, God, for Everything by August Gold
As Daisy watches her parents thanking God everyday, she begins to look at everything around her and realizes she is also thankful for many things.

E LUCADO - Just in Case you Ever Wonder by Max Lucado
A parent tells a child how special she is, both to the parent and to God. This book assures children of God's love through all their experiences—including during hard times such as being afraid of the dark or being bullied—and gives assurance that their parent was there when they were first born and will be with them even in heaven.

E MCKISSACK - What is Given from the Heart by Pat McKissack
Despite their own poverty since Daddy died, Mama tells nine-year-old James Otis they need to help Sarah, whose family lost everything in a fire.

E MACHOWSKI - Angels on your Side by Marty Machowski
When children are scared by a storm, afraid of the dark, or wake up from a bad dream, how can you remind them of God's protection and love? When a storm keeps Logan up one night at Grandpa's house, Grandpa comforts him with stories about angels in the Bible who are ever at the Lord's command.

E PILKEY - God Bless the Gargoyles by Dav Pilkey
Relates a rhyming tale about misunderstood gargoyles and the angels who bring solace to them and to all creatures who are rejected and unloved.

 E TOSCANO - Papa’s Pastries by Charles Toscano
Miguel sees the results of his father's faith and generosity when, although his own family is facing the oncoming winter with threadbare clothing, a leaky roof, and no firewood, Papa gives away the pastries he has baked.

 E WEATHERFORD - In your hands by Carole Weatherford
A prayer from mother to her son that he will always in safe hands “I will hold you in my heart and God holds you in his hands.

E WIGGER -  Thank You, God By J. Bradley Wigger
Offers the perfect chance to reflect on all the things that they have to be grateful for. It is a celebration of family and friends, of homes and food to share, and of the wonder of creation from the first light of day to the calm, peaceful night.

Board Books

BOARD FIELD - Prayer for a Child By Rachel Field
An illustrated bedtime prayer which gives thanks for the many aspects of a child's world. This book brings to our hearts and minds the deep responsibility of preserving for all times the faith and hopes of little children.

BOARD JENSEN - Very Beary Hugs: God's Love Makes Us Brave By Bonnie Rickner Jensen
A hug is a blanket that keeps your child warm and safe during a storm. A hug is a helper that heals boo-boos and bad days. And a hug is the assurance kids need to start their day. Very Beary Hugs shows that an embrace not only reminds kids of how much they're loved but can also give them the courage to face challenges, try something new, or start over.

BOARD KENNEDY - God Wins by Jared Kennedy
God protects and takes care of his people in amazing ways. He is powerful and good, and he alway keeps his promises. Through the Bible stories in God Wins, children will hear about Joshua, David, Daniel's friends, and Esther. Even though these heroes were afraid, they obeyed God and were used to save God's people.